About Us

About Us

The Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities is made up of self-advocates, family members, representatives of advocacy organizations, and community organizations that provide services and supports to people with developmental disabilities. Our members also include representatives of state agencies that receive federal funding on behalf of people with developmental disabilities. Our members are appointed by the Governor to serve up to two consecutive four-year terms. Council members work together to determine the goals and objectives in our five-year plan, allocate funds to state plan activities and review our progress annually. The Council is supported by five full-time staff who are charged with implementing the state plan.

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Mission and Vision

Our mission is to advance social and policy change so that people with developmental disabilities, their families and communities may live, work, play, and learn together. Our vision is that all communities welcome and value people with disabilities and their families.

Guiding Principles and Beliefs

1. We believe disability is a natural part of the human experience.

2. We believe people with developmental disabilities and their families...

Define their own families and sources of support.

Are successful when they make informed choices and control their lives.

Are most effective when they work together for social and policy change.

Are more likely to succeed when we expect them to succeed.

3. We believe communities...

Are welcoming when everyone is valued.

Are better when members act together.

Thrive when everyone contributes.

4. We believe support service systems are most effective when...

Families are supported to raise children in stable and loving homes.

People are supported to live the lives they want in their communities.

Supports are based on individual strengths, goals and community.

They are accountable to the people they serve.

Legal Authorization

The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (“DD Act”): Congress passed the first Act to benefit people with developmental disabilities and their families in 1963. It has been amended several times, most recently in 2000 (view DD Act). In 1963, the number of people with developmental disabilities living in crowded institutions was still on the rise. The census of people living in institutions peaked in 1967 at approximately 195,000. By 1996 the numbers were down to about 60,000 people in institutions, and the census continues to drop.


Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have opportunities and support to:

  • Make informed choices and decisionsŸ
  • Live in homes and communities in which they can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as citizens
  • Contribute to their family, community, state, and nation
  • Have interdependent friendships and relationships with othersŸ
  • Achieve full integration and inclusion in society, consistent with the unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, and capabilities of each individual.


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