Planning My Work to Work Transition Guide




Dear Students and Families,

We are excited to share the 2022 Planning My Way to Work transition guide. The Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities published this manual with help from the Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Vocational Rehabilitation program. This guide will help you be a leader in your life and stay organized as you transition from school to your adult life.

This guide is full of questions, resources and worksheets to help you organize your thoughts, create a vision for the future, make choices and decisions, and make a plan with help from your parents, teachers and others you choose. You can use the sections below based on what you care about most or use a section when the topic relates to what’s happening in your life. Complete the worksheets by yourself, with your family or with your transition planning team.


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Below you will find a list of accessible resources and materials to help you stay informed and support you in advocating for your rights or the rights of your family members during this time. This list includes regional, state-wide and national information regarding the pandemic of COVID-19 from trusted sources. We will continue to update this page as more resources become available.

Using the Worksheets

Trajectory Worksheets

Use the worksheet for your big picture ideas — such as what you want your life to be like after you leave school. Your parents can help you create your path trajectory by asking you questions to help you develop ideas.

Star Worksheets

The Star Worksheet, which you will find in most sections, is a tool to help you and your family identify or “map” resources related to each topic in this guide.

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